Logistics Corps Officers are competent in planning and directing multi-functional logistical operations across the tactical, operational and strategic spectrum of logistical functions of maneuver sustainment. These positions require experience in integrating the functions of supply, transportation, maintenance, medical service administration and field services.
Duty positions include:
- Executive Officer (XO), Plans and Operations Officer (S3) or Support Operations Officer
- Chief of a Corps, Divison, Brigade or Regimental Materiel Management Center
- G4
- Deputy G4 or G4/J4 Plans Officer
- Logistics Operations or Staff Officer
- Multi-functional Command Positions
- Joint Staff Officer
- Logistics Assistance Officer
- Deputy Director or Branch Chief at Army, Dept of Defense or Joint Headquarters
- Division Direcgtor, Corps Army Chief of Staff G4 or CMTC, JRTC, NTC Senior Logisitics Officer
- Chief Logistics Branch Army National Guard Training Centers/Garrisons
Duties performed by Officers in this Military Occupation Specialty include:
- Serves in a logistics officer position at Dept of Army staff, joint staff, MACOM staff, Corps, Division, Group, Brigade or Battalion
- Is responsible for planning, developing and directing logistics operations to ensure integrating the functions of supply, transportation, maintenance, medical service administration and field services