The Coat of Arms of the United States in gold with the stripes of the shield to be enameled white and red and chief of the shield and the sky of the glory to be enameled blue, superimposed on a five-pointed black enameled star; in each reentrant angle of the star are three green enameled laurel leaves. The star is 3 inches in diameter for the Chief of Staff and former Chiefs of Staff and a 2 inches in diameter badge is authorized for all other personnel awarded the badge.
The badge is based on the General Staff insignia with a black star in lieu of the Silver Star. The addition of the laurel leaves indicate achievement.
Award Eligibility
The requirements as listed in Chief of Staff Regulation 672-5, authorized award of the Army Staff Identification Badge for one year of service while assigned to the Army General Staff. The badge is authorized for officers and E-9s assigned to authorized positions at Headquarters, Department of the Army. Civilian personnel in grades GS-11 and above may be awarded a lapel button upon completion of at least one year of service.
Date Approved
The badge was first proposed by General MacArthur, while Chief of Staff, in a conversation with Brigadier General Andrew Moses, then Assistant Chief of Staff, G1, War Department General Staff, on December 28, 1931. Subsequently, the badge was designed by the Office of the Quartermaster General and approved by the Chief of Staff, General MacArthur, on July 28, 1933. It was announced on August 23, 1933 in War Department Circular No. 45 and award was made retroactive to June 4, 1920. Sergeants Major were authorized to be awarded the badge effective September 30, 1978 and the effective date for Warrant Officers was August 22, 1979. The lapel button for civilian personnel in the grade of GS-11 and higher was authorized effective July 1, 1982. The Army Chief of Staff, General Wickham, also approved a change in the name of the badge from Army General Staff Identification Badge to Army Staff Identification Badge.